
May 4, Oriental, NC

Yes, we made it back!  But it wasn’t easy!  I spent the night in the ER because I have a punctured lung as well as two cracked ribs.  The taxi dropped me off at Casper’s Marina at 7:00 a.m.; we had the dock hands help us off at 8:30 and we arrived back at our slip in Pecan Grove at 3:00.  Whew!  The last 48 hours have been stressful!  Now we will spend the next couple of days packing up all the clothes, food, and other things that turn a boat into a home.  Then it is off to our house in Cary to do all the things that were ignored for over six months!  I am getting tired just thinking about it.  And let me add that I am on pain meds that makes me feel a bit loopy.

May 3, Swansboro, NC

Today was a BAD DAY!  As we were leaving the dock at 6:00 this morning, the line on the bottom of the fender that was attached to our boat rail got caught on a cleat on the dock.  I tried to pull it free and was tossed overboard along with the boat rail, hitting the dock and breaking the teak rail with my leg.  I am writing this from the Carteret Co. ER where I have been X-rayed for two fractured ribs.  We are docked at Casper’s Marina in Swansboro where we arrived at 3:30.  I insisted that I wanted a nice seafood dinner in town before spending the next several hours waiting in the ER.  Such a nasty conclusion to a wonderful trip!  Ugh!

May 2, Carolina Beach, NC

Yes!  We are finally in North Carolina!  We left our marina this morning a little before 6:00 and went through some pretty narrow rivers before coming out in the Cape Fear.  We saw lots of beach cottages on each side of the river but there were few boats today.  At 12:30 we arrived at the Carolina Beach Yacht Club and Marina.  We tied up and went for a walk to the Tiki Bar on the beach where we had a beer.  It is hard to believe that we were here over six months ago at the start of out trip south- time flies!

May 1, Myrtle Beach, SC

The weather forecaster a few days ago said today was supposed to be rainy with thunderstorms.  Being cautious and close to home we decided to spend another day at the Myrtle Beach Yacht Club.  Guess what?!  It rained very lightly after lunch; no big deal.  So we had another restful day hanging out here.  We went to the on-site Officer’ Club for a tasty lunch of fried cod with slaw and fries and a naughty dessert of ice cream crepe with fudge sauce.  Then a very long nap!

April 30, Myrtle Beach, SC

It was a long and exhausting day; we left Georgetown at 6:00 and went through narrow, meandering rivers with mainly trees on each side.  The current was against us all day which significantly slowed our pace.  Closer to Myrtle Beach we saw beautiful homes with docks, condos, and even some affordable houses.  There were turtles on logs in the water but no dolphins riding our bow wave today.  We had to go through 14 bridges and only 3 had to open for us.  Finally at 3:00 we docked at the huge Myrtle Beach Yacht Club. Now to rest before dinner.

April 29, Georgetown, SC

Another relaxing day- we can’t complain!  We had morning coffee downtown while the laundry was washing, then took a mile and a half hike to the Piggly Wiggly to pick up bottled water and fresh fruit.  After a lunch on board we walked to our favorite ice cream store with another cruising couple.  This evening we plan to eat dinner again at Aunny’s- can’t get enough of that good ole southern cooking!  Tomorrow we are off to Myrtle Beach.

April 28, Georgetown, SC

This was a relaxing, do-nothing Sunday.  We had coffee at the Grit and Grind this morning, ate lunch at Taqueria El Mariachi, and spent the afternoon confirming our marina plans for the week and checking bridge-opening schedules.  Now for “wine time” and dinner on-board.