Nov. 13- Fernandina Harbor, FL
Hello Florida! We crossed over into Florida at noon today! But what a day! At about 10:45 we were approached by a Coast Guard vessel with a crew member on a machine gun at the bow. They asked our destination and already seemed to know where we were heading even before we answered. Is this AI in action? We had made reservations at this marina several days ago, but how did they know? They told us to move faster because one of their submarines would be coming through in a half hour. The Coast Guard escorted us for awhile and there were 2 more Coast Guard boats and some Navy vessels in the area. We moved on to our destination as quickly as possible and arrived at the marina at noon. A fellow boater at the dock who used to work for the intelligence agencies told us that the Coast Guard boat had probably nuclear scanned us- very scary! He explained that he had actually seen the interior scans of his motor vessel that had been taken when he transited the waterway from Canada into Lake Champlain, NY.
In the town of Fernandina, we enjoyed a couple of beers and were surprised to see one captain driving his speedboat down mainstreet.
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