NOV. 14- St. Augustine, FL
We left the Fernandina marina bright and early at 6:30. It was cold but picturesque.
However, Suzy didn’t appreciate the scenery but did like the warm blanket cocoon her mother made for her on deck.
Some of the houses on Harbor Island put the ones on Hilton Head to shame. We guessed they were well over 10,000 square feet each and seemed more like resorts than family dwellings. We had some drama in the late morning when we had to go under a bridge with a very narrow passage. The whole river seemed to squeeze through this one section and the tidal current gave us white caps against us about 3 feet high. We were quite scared that the current would turn the boat and we would be bashed sideways against the bridge pilings. But we finally inched through. After a bit more drama trying to tie up for fueling against strong currents we finally docked up in St. Augustine around 4 PM.
A little wine, pasta and meatballs and some gelato in town have finally calmed our nerves. Tomorrow will be a day of rest, relaxation and exploration of the many international cuisines in this town.
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