Nov. 23- Stuart, FL
We are in an anchorage tonight even though we had a confirmed reservation for a marina about three miles up the St. Lucie River from here.
We left Vero beach this morning about 6:45 under cold and windy conditions, but the amount of wind just kept increasing as we proceeded down the Indian River. By the time we were 3 miles from our destination it was so blustery that it would have been unsafe to attempt to enter a dock- remember, boats don’t have brakes to stop! So the safest thing was to drop a hook in a little cove in about 7 feet of water. As I write this blog the wind is roaring outside the boat, but we are snug and cozy in the cabin. And did I mention that it is COLD for south Florida- 68 degrees right now; however some people think it is hot enough to water-ski (see picture)!
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