April 22- Beaufort SC

Making progress- We are now in South Carolina!  We pulled up anchor at 6:45 and went through 3 fixed bridges of 65’ and one that had to open on request- except he didn’t respond after I had hailed him 3 times on the VHF radio and the other 2 sailboats also called.  I finally got him on the phone- I think he was sleeping at 8:00 am!  We got to Safe Harbor Marina Beaufort at 2:00.  Bryce wanted a beer, so we went to a cute outdoor cafe on the waterfront to have drinks and some steamed clams, followed by a stop at Kilwins for double scoops of ice cream in a crunchy waffle cone. Yum!
There is one fly in the ointment- or should I say “tick”.  Suzy got bit by a tick, probably on the nature trail at Jekyll Island on Monday.  On Wednesday I noticed something hanging on her face between her eyes.  Bryce said it was a tick and pulled it off, but apparently the head is still embedded in her flesh and now is swelling up and red.  We have been putting antibiotic ointment on it but it is no better.  We talked to a lady today who said that her Yorkie got Lyme disease from a tick bite and was very, very sick. So Bryce took a picture and sent it to our vet in Cary who urged us to take her to a local vet.  We tried to make an appointment for tomorrow, but one vet office is closed on Saturday and the other one is full and not taking appointments.  So we may have to Uber to an vet urgent care in another town tomorrow- ugh!  Read Saturday’s blog to read the outcome.  To be continued….


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