APRIL 29- Swansboro, NC
We left at 6:00 because we had to go 70 miles today- the longest trek of the trip. It was COLD but at least we had little wind to add to the grief. We had long winding rivers and briefly came aground once because of the tide going out. A trio of dolphins rode our bow wave for several minutes.
We had 3 bridges that had to open for us and they opened on a schedule, which meant that sometimes we had to kill time until the opening. At 3:00 we tied up at Casper’s Marina but our shore power wasn’t working. At first we thought it was a bad cord or splitter, but after many permutations we realized that the marina’s power pedestal was bad. We switched to another and all of our electric on the boat worked- Yay! Now for a celebratory dinner in town- almost to our home marina in Oriental- tomorrow!
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