November 18, Titusville, FL

We left Daytona at 6:45 just as the skies began to lighten.  We had clouds and fog most of the way, but when we entered the Indian River Lagoon the sun decided to finally appear.  We tied up at the Titusville Marina at 1:30- the wind was really blowing at this time so docking was not easy, even with help from marina staff.  I spent the next 2 hours doing laundry while Bryce filled our water tanks and other boat jobs.  Then we looked at weather and future marina reservations and decided we were just too optimistic about making Vero Beach tomorrow( over 70 miles away).  So I had to call marinas and make adjustments to our schedule.  We travel at about 7 knots / hour unless the current is going with us ( about half the time).  We realized if we leave at 8:00 tomorrow morning when marina staff can help us untie our dock lines, we would get there after dark- not good! So our entire itinerary had to be moved ahead- ugh!  Then we walked into town to refresh the larder and picked up some groceries at a food store that made Aldi look like Fresh Market!  I have never bought so many groceries for less than $35!  Amazing!  On the walk home we stopped at KFC for a greasy supper-ick!  But at least I didn’t have to cook!


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