November 19, Melbourne, FL
Woo-hoo! Blue skies and sunshine! It is finally warm (80 degrees) and it feels like Florida! We broke out the shorts and t-shirts! We left Titusville at 6:45 and went under 6 high rise bridges. The Indian River was pretty wide and all the Sunday boaters were out to enjoy the weather, which at times created wake. Dolphins followed us part of the way and looked up at us curiously. Susie got a chance to see them as well. We arrived at Melbourne Marina at 12:30. Bryce checked our oil and transmission fluid, then we went into town for a brew. This town seems to have more bars than restaurants and other shops-rather amazing! We found one that had outdoor seating so Suzy could be included too. It was a wonderful dive with all sorts of characters that would have fit in quite well into some sitcom.
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