November 6, Beaufort, SC
There are great tidal shifts in the low country and this morning the bottom of low tide was at 8:00. We usually leave around 7:00 but we knew that we would come aground in several low areas if we left so early. Therefore we pulled up our anchor at 10:45 and had no trouble with the rising tide- in fact, we had a favorable current most of the way and arrived at Safe Harbor Marina in Beaufort at about 2:00.
Suzy loved seeing grass again! The day warmed up and the temperature reached 75 degrees- Wow! Warmth at last!
I had a little accident this afternoon- I tripped getting off the boat and now have a boo-boo on my ankle and elbow- first time in 20 years! But I didn’t break anything- thanks to taking calcium and minerals every day.
We went to dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant in town- eggplant parmesean for me and chicken parmesean for Bryce. Tomorrow morning I need to do at least one load of laundry- amazing how it piles up!
Suzy loved seeing grass again! The day warmed up and the temperature reached 75 degrees- Wow! Warmth at last!
I had a little accident this afternoon- I tripped getting off the boat and now have a boo-boo on my ankle and elbow- first time in 20 years! But I didn’t break anything- thanks to taking calcium and minerals every day.
We went to dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant in town- eggplant parmesean for me and chicken parmesean for Bryce. Tomorrow morning I need to do at least one load of laundry- amazing how it piles up!
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