April 22, Lady's Island SC
Once again we left our anchorage at 6:30 because of tides. It rained last night and a cold front moved in, with 55 degree temps in the morning along with a north wind that chilled to the bone. We both had on several layers of clothing to try to keep warm. There was not much scenery until close to Beaufort.
I had made reservations for 4 nights at the main marina in Beaufort over 5 days ago and we were looking forward to enjoying the city. As we approached the marina at 1:30 the dock master said they had no record of our reservations; then they said we were on a waiting list. After a heated exchange from me we phoned Lady’s Island Marina and got a slip immediately. So here we are just across the river from Beaufort and we got the nicest reception from the female dock master! Sometimes things work out okay!
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